For the many years that Marsh Children’s Home has been caring for some of Acapulco's most vulnerable and underprivileged children, Jovita Godiñez and "Hogar Infantil Marsh" have received a myriad of awards.
These awards and recognitions are from various government agencies, non-profits and corporate foundations that are dedicated to helping at-risk children in Mexico. They include recognition and praise for "Social Commitment & Work for the Common Good," "20 Years of Caring for Acapulco's Children,", and "Community Service Award." See just a sample below.
The list of institutions and companies includes Fundación Simi, DIF de Acapulco, Héroes Anónimos from Walmart (Mexico), the Mayor's Office of Acapulco, Acapulco City Hall, and Fundación Best A.C.'s "Unidos Para Ayudar."
In addition to her years as Founder and Director of the Marsh Children’s Home, Jovita Godiñez has a diploma in Evolutionary Child Psychology from the Universidad de Anáhuac, completed in 2004. In 2013, Jovita was nominated for "CNN's Heroes", an annual competition to honor those who devote their lives to serving their communities. In 2015, Jovita was presented with the 13th Annual Award for Altruism at a ceremony in Mexico City by Fundación Simi. The list goes on.
Marsh Children’s Home is renowned as a leader in child care and child development, not only in Acapulco but also in all of Mexico. " Marsh Home" is known all over the world because of the International tourists who visit Acapulco (and the Marsh Home) and return home, telling their friends and family about what a truly magical place the Marsh Home is. Donations come from as far away as Canada, Germany, England, and Australia. We hope you Join Us in support!
Every year, on the International Day of Altruism, the SIMI Foundation conducts the prize-awarding ceremony for Altruism. It is a major ceremony where the commitment and work of people and institutions that selflessly help society are recognized and praised. They are distinguished with the "For a Better Country" (Para un Pais Mejor) and "United to Help" ("Unidos para Aydar" Awards).
In 2015, Jovita was presented with the National First Prize in the 13th Annual Awards for Altruism at a ceremony in Mexico City.
Just weeks earlier, Jovita Godiñez received a phone call from Mexico City. It was C.P. Victor González Torres of the SIMI Foundation, known as "Fundación Simi" in Mexico. Sr. Torres was calling to congratulate Jovita on winning the National First Prize for the 13th Annual Award for Altruism in Mexico. On the same day, Jovita was granted a second award—a Silver Medal in the "Anonymous Heroes" — an annual award given by the State of Guerrero.
"Mama Jovita" was invited to Mexico City to receive an award for all of her years of hard work and dedication to the protection and development of underprivileged, at-risk children in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. Jovita humbly came up on stage to receive her diploma and thanked all of those who, throughout the years, have helped to make the Marsh Home what it is today - an example of excellence in Child Care in Mexico.
Jovita is pictured above at the awards ceremony, proudly embracing her son Checho for his support throughout the years. To Jovita's left is a Representative of the Dr. Simi Foundation and coordinator of the event.

In 2012, "Mamá Jovita" was invited by the Mayor of Acapulco - Manuel Añorve Baños to receive an award for 20 Years of Caring for Children. Also attending the ceremony were the President of "Patronato" (Patronage), Julieta Fernández De Añorve, and the Director General of DIF Acapulco, David Guzmán Maldonado.
On this milestone date, Jovita was presented with this award for "Destaca Trayectoria" — 20 years of outstanding work and tireless dedication to improving the lives of the children at Hogar Infantil Marsh.
With a great sense of jubilation, Jovita thanked both DIF and the Mayor's office for their continued support and recognition of her commitment to the children of the Marsh Home, and vowed to continue for as long as she could.

"Héroes Anónimos" (Heroes Anonymous) is an annual award given by Fundación Walmart of Mexico. It is a special award given to those outstanding individuals who dedicate their lives to serving their communities.
In 2010, Jovita Godiñez proudly accepted the award of "Héroes Anónimos" on behalf of all of those who have given so generously over the past 20 years and who have helped to distinguish Hogar Infantil Marsh as the most respected and most celebrated Children's Home in the State of Guerrero and the City of Acapulco de Juárez, Mexico.

Foundation Best, A.C. is a non-profit association dedicated to helping those who have less. They are a network of 11,354 qualified doctors and 5,665 offices throughout Mexico who offer "excellence in health care services at the best prices."
Their purpose is to improve the quality of life of people through their "Health Triangle," implementing a new vision of "excellence in service" that offers medical consultations, clinical analysis laboratories, and pharmacies all under one roof.
On October 1, 2004, the director of Fundación Best and its program "Unidos Para Ayudar (United to Help), presented Jovita Godiñez with a certificate of recognition for her years of "Social Commitment and Work for the Common Good."

On October 2nd, 2001, Jovita was invited by DIF Acapulco to the Salón Chichén Itzá in Acapulco's Convention Center to receive a very special award for "Primer Encuentro de Promotores Voluntarios" for her work and dedication to the promotion of the Marsh Children’s Home Acapulco, Inc. to visitors to Acapulco.
DIF is a Govermental Institution in Mexico that provides assistance to underpriveleged families - focusing on family and child development. "DIF" stands for "Desarrollo Integral de la Familia" - which, in English, means Integrated Family Development.
This was a very special recognition for both the Marsh Children’s Home Acapulco, Inc. and Jovita as it was given in 2001 - "The International Year of Volunteering."
Starting in 1991 and continuing to this very day, Mamá Jovita has dedicated her life to caring for the underprivileged children of Acapulco and the surrounding areas in the pueblos of Guerrero. In 2016, the Marsh Children’s Home Acapulco, Inc. celebrated its 25th Anniversary!

On August 1, 2004 Jovita Godiñez received her Diploma in Evolutionary Child Psychology. This diploma was given "For Having Completed the Academic Requirements in "Psícopedagogia Evolutiva en La Familia" - from Universidad Anáhuac in Mexico City.
Evolutionary Child Psychology focuses on family dynamics, individual behavior and interactions within a social context, child cognitive development, and solutions for emotional and psychological problems. It is, essentially, the "science" behind excellent child care and development.
In 2001, on December 5th, Jovita Godiñez received an award from Acapulco City Hall, celebrating "The International Year of Volunteering". This award was given by the Mayor's office in proud recognition on behalf of Jovita Godiñez for "The Greater Benefit of Acapulqueños."